Monday, September 30, 2019

Education Is the Only Key of Life for Turkish Women Essay

Education right, right to vote and stand for election are basic rights of humanbeings and the elements of democracy. These rights are essential to prove the existence of a person in society. Altough, these rights were given to Turkish women before many western countries, Turkey fell behind in applying and improving these rights. In many parts of Turkey, women are not allowed to use their rights and it is still debated that should women have job, should they get education and basically, how women should live. Even if, there are many dissenting opinions about if women should be educated or not, Turkish women should be educated to be able to get their economic freedom and be aware of their rights.. Being able to make own decisions, living independent is crucial necessity for people and having economic freedom is the first step to be independent. However, in Turkey, either women are not allowed to work or they prefer to be housewifes. When they are not married, they live with their families and they depend on them, after they marry, they are dependent on their husbands. Either way, they never live their life the way they want to and they are content with what they have. In Turkey, if a woman works, she is accused of not being good mother or wife. Yet, on the contrary, if woman work, she feels herself productive, effective, social and only then,she gains self-confidence. Meghan O’Rourke says, â€Å"Only by working, can women can have a fully â€Å"flourishing† life† As she says, only a working woman gets whatever she wants and so, she becames more beneficial for her families. Also, if women work, she supports family financially and it brings to having high life standards. However, in patriarchal societies, being independent women mostly causes problems in family. Times of India’s IDiva research shows that, The survey of over 24,000 adults in 23 countries, conducted by Reuters/Ipsos and released on the eve of International Women’s Day, showed that people from India (54 percent), Turkey (52 percent), Japan (48 percent), China, Russia, Hungary (34 percent each) and South Korea (33 percent) were most likely to agree that women should not work. 52 percent women in Turkey think that women’s place is at home because, women and man not equal in working arena. When women work, she is still charged of house chores and these chores take a lot of time, besides these chores women have to take care of children. So, it is really hard to carry out all together these works and when women cannot balance house work and job, man began to complain. These complaints are another reason for women’s stress therefore, women are fed up with everything and they give up their job. If they do not, it causes serious damages in family, and if women insist to continue her job, it even may leads to divorce. So, many women have to give up their job fort he sake of family. Another reason why women should get education is that education brings women awareness, only an educated women can be aware of her rights. Being aware of rights is important for women because, women are exposed to violence, rape. Also, they are forced to marry when they are children and in Turkey, man can have a second wife and women are forced to live together. According to KSGM’s research, 39 percent of Turkish women are exposed to violonce by their husbands and 48. 5 percent women cannot tell anyone about violance that they are exposed. Women are ashamed of being subjected violance and also, due to they afraid of their husband, they do not tell anyone. Mostly, they cannot tell because they depend on their husband and their families usually do not protect them†¦ After violance, one of the biggest problem in Turkey is child brides. Especially in east of Turkey, little girls are forced to marry a man who is older than them for Money. According to surveys, â€Å"Turkey has one of the highest rates of juvenile marriages in the world† ( Tokyay). Also, the survey points out that, in Turkey there are 28 percent of child brides, and 41 percent of this is unofficial religious marriages. Tokyay). To challenge with these injustice, cruelty, and oppression they have to get education because if they get education, they become independent and aware of their rights therefore, they do not have to yield man anymore. They can sue their husband, their families that commit violance or force to marry and they can defend themselves. In a patriarchal society like Turkey, woman who are aware, and protect her own rights, is thought as insolet versus man and she is accused of losing femininity. In this type society, there are certain roles for man and women. Man are charged with taking care of his family, protecting his wife. As to women, â€Å" their main preoccupation, fostered by parents and educators alike, is â€Å" the pursuit of a wedding ring. † As one editor put it, college for women was the â€Å" world’s best marriage mart. † † (reed 4) They are raised to be perfect wifes who respect, trust, yield to their husbands. It does not matter how she is smart or successful, marriage is the only aim. If she does not have good marriage, she thinks that she is inadequate. Therefore, men see women as their properties. So, when a woman defends herself, resists again her husband, man takes this as disrespectfulness and disobedience. Not just man, also society think that if woman is smart and she has job, if she can live herself without man supporting, she is tought that she loses her femininity. â€Å" Collage girls, terrified lest they lose their â€Å"femininity† through any display of brains or serious study, learn to camouflage their intellegence or obediently empty their minds altogether ( Reed 3). They avoid to show their intellegence and talents because they are not supposed to think, they supposed to toe the line by told their husband or families. substaining and extending this redirection of women are the powerful moulders of public opinion: editors and writers of slick magazines for women, newspaper columnists, TV shows, movies, popular novels, pulps, and aii the rest. Indiously and unremittingly they warn women that even yearning to Express their intellects and talents would be â€Å" heavily paid for† by the loss of their â€Å"femeninity†Ã¢â‚¬  ( Reed 5). In All soap operas, all women magazines there are subtitles that manupulate women to stay at home and to be good wife. They teach them how they can make merry their husband or what they sould do to not lose their husband. Because all women should live for their husband, children and all they should think to protect this joyful life. So, if women put herself with brains and qualifications, it makes her unfeminine and not to proper for marry. To conclude, women should get education in order to be stronger, to be independent, to stand on her own legs. In patriarchal societies like Turkey, women should not yield to rules, traditions, on the contrary, they try to change society perspective because women shape the whole society.. As Mustafa Kemal Ataturk says, â€Å"Insan toplulugu kad? n ve erkek denilen iki cins insandan olusur. Kabil midir bu kutlenin bir parcas? n? ilerletelim, otekini ihmal edelim de kutlenin butunu ilerleyebilsin? Mumkun mudur ki bir cismin yar? s? topraga bagl? kald? kca, oteki yar? s? goklere yukselebilsin ? †. society will progress, upgrade as long as women have a real sense of community. Finally, first and foremost a woman should get education for herself if she wants to make her life meaningful. otherwise, she will be nothing but man’s slave.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Components of American Economic Growth between 1820-1860 Essay

Despite the thrust of the Jeffersonians towards agrarian reliance and its expansion, by 1820 however, the American economy was moving more towards industry and technology. American economic growth was â€Å"linked to and influenced by events elsewhere in the world particularly in Great Britain which was the home of the Industrial Revolution. † The advance of industrialization fueled economic growth. There were the technological innovations that allowed for the increase in production. With the factory system, we see for the first time that goods were produced faster than the population could grow. It was fortunate that the United States has abundant supply of natural resources or raw materials necessary for the production of goods. Moreover, with increasing European migration to the Americas, the demand for additional workers necessary for economic expansion was met. There were other factors that contributed to this continued development. Improved transportation played a key role. There was a time that the Federalists and anti-Federalists were arguing against the viability and management of a continued expansion. This has now been rendered moot as canal-building projects in the 1820’s and 1830’s and the construction of the railroads which dramatically transformed this situation. Moreover, it was also instrumental in bringing about economic and geographic expansion. â€Å"Canals and railroads provided farmers, merchants and manufacturers with cheap and reliable access to markets and goods and encouraged Americans to settle the frontier and cultivate virgin lands. † Before the canals, the freight rates were prohibitive and it was not financially viable to produce more that the local market. Then, seeing Britain’s success with the steam-powered railways, the U. S. followed suit with the construction of its railroads which does not freeze over unlike canals. With railroad expansion, the U. S. experiences faster economic growth. â€Å"Goods, people, commercial information flowed even more predictably, rapidly and cheaply. † As well, improved transportation â€Å"stimulated agricultural expansion and regional specialization. † Rather than produce diverse products for local consumption, they can just import staples from other regions and focus instead on producing products that are high yield and suitable to their soil and climate. Hence, by the late 1830’s â€Å"the old Northwest had become the country’s granary while New England farmers turned to dairy products. † Then there was the infusion of capital from foreign investors and from the fast-growing merchant class. There were new investments and the rise of new enterprise. While cities had the major share of factory concentration which led to urbanization, there were one or two factories as well which located in the smaller towns. Local and state governments did their share in encouraging entrepreneurship by passing laws of incorporation, granting tax breaks or monopolistic control, underwriting bonds for improvement projects and provision of loans. Judicial decisions also created ownership and concept of property rights and the binding nature of contracts. There was also the rapid spread of education that fostered innovation, productivity, discipline and skills development. Then, there were the intangible factors. The Americans in this era were simply thinking differently. The entrepreneurial outlook was present and there was a constant drive for change and improvement. Work Cited â€Å"Economic Transformations in the Northeast and the Old Northwest. † Name of Book. XXX ed. Year Published.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Trade theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trade theories - Assignment Example The goods that are primarily exported by Syria are petroleum products, crude oil, minerals, wheat cotton fibre, clothing, fruits, vegetables, meat and live animals. The imports of Syria consists of transport equipments, livestock and food, paper, chemicals, machinery, electric power machinery, metal and metal products, chemical products and yarn. The import partners of Syria are China, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, Russia, Lebanon and Italy (Younes 11-13). The trading partners and their concerned good and services gives a picture of Syria’s trade conditions and trade relations with its partners. Syria has enhanced trade relations with Iraq by reopening pipelines for the export of oil. Syria also benefitted from economic policies implemented by China. Syria maintains a trading relation with India by importing wheat from it. Syria’s geographical closeness with Europe has been quite beneficial. The country was able to serve the huge customer base of Europe (Russett 360-379). Syria’s trade history reveals that the country always had import figures that were almost double the export figures. But both the import and export had similar growth trends. The imports and exports increased at a slow pace over time. This led to worsening of the balance of trade position of Syria. This trade patterns were seen before the 1970s. But after the 1970s, trade patterns started improving. There was a rapid expansion in the import and export figures since 1970s. In the 1980s, the trade imbalance widened further. Syria also started taking various measures concerning the budget and foreign exchange reserve. Syria started taking advantage of the higher revenues from oil in the 1990s. Finally in the beginning of 2011, Syria recorded a surplus in balance of trade (â€Å"Syria Balance of Trade†). The figure below gives some idea of the movements in balance of trade over the time and also shows Syria’s favorable trade conditions that was prevailing at the ons et of 2011. The

Genetic Engineering and Conservation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genetic Engineering and Conservation - Essay Example Today, most species face stress factors ranging from global warming, habitat destruction to conflicts and poaching leading to the great reduction in numbers of some species. Conservationists are seeking the help of modern science for designing interventions to control these losses. Genetic engineering is the science of altering one's gene by introduction of a foreign gene for beneficial purposes such as adaptation. Genetic engineering has already contributed to the growth of the agricultural sector making the Genetically modified seed sector alone worth $ 15 million (Thomas et al,2013). However, genetic engineering is not considered a modern strategy since it was used even decades back to make plants more tolerant to certain conditions such as temperature and pest attack, thereby making the genetic tool a reliable tool. Genetic engineering could be used to introduce lost genetic diversity among a threatened population to enable stabilization. For example, in Florida, the population of Florida Panther increase by 100% after members of another closely related species-Puma concolor stanleyana was introduced which worked by decreasing inbreeding ( al,2013). Genetic engineering would play an important part in refining this methodology. Another way in which genetic engineering could aid conservation is by recognizing certain beneficial genes and introducing them into vulnerable species. Aquaculture researchers recognized an allele in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that made them withstand high heat. These genes could be introduced through modern tools into the genomes of fish eggs to make them more tolerant of changing conditions.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Biology in Everyday Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biology in Everyday Life - Essay Example With the awareness of the risks impacted by rapid spread of this species, marine ecologists strive to find out the most appropriate management response (Siggins, 2014). This specific invasive species is costing millions of money because of loss of biodiversity and impact on human health and economic activity especially in Ireland, where it has been reported in the article (Siggins, 2014). The article sheds light on the spread of invasive species, which relates well to the course, which discusses invasive species. However, the course content does not expressly cover this specific invasive species, which can be explained by the fact that there are many invasive species in the world, which cannot be covered in this course. The course provides information on how invasive species affect other species in a given area, which has helped me understand the nature of the Didemnum vexillum, which is threatening to displace other sea species in the area and consequently have devastating effects on the environment and the economy (Hierro & Callaway, 2003). The article caught my attention from the fact it is affecting ocean environment, which clearly shows how serious it is. Previously, I thought it was not possible to have invasive species in ocean since it is vast and hence cannot be easily invaded. The article has changed my perception and expanded my knowledge on invasive species which to be present in almost every possible environment (Hierro & Callaway, 2003). The threat to ocean is real from this invasive species and can indirectly affect me as it displaces valuable sea species, which contribute to economies of nations across the world. The species also has enormous effect on environment as it affects the balance created by existing species where it colonises (Hierro & Callaway, 2003). Research on this invasive species should be increased to understand its nature and the best way of curbing its

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Invisible World Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

The Invisible World - Research Paper Example It has been said that the descriptions of Hell are only symbolic and they are not describing how Hell really is. This is an important question, and one that deserves attention. We must understand the form of language {genre} used when talking about any subject before we come to a conclusion as to what the Scripture means. One of the most commonly used arguments for the belief that these scriptures are simply symbolic is mainly pointed to the passages used in Revelation. It is said that Revelation is symbolic and therefore the suggestion is made that the descriptions of Hell are as well. This argument doesn’t go far once the Scriptures are studied in the context of the entire Bible, but for the sake of this part of the study, we will grant that argument somewhat valid for the book of Revelation even though it is not. But even with that, it doesn’t come to any conclusion in reference to the other books that talk about Hell within the Bible. Revelation isn’t the onl y book that talks about it. Let’s look at what some other Scriptures say about Hell, and then answer the question proposed at the beginning of this section†¦

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

With reference to motivation theory, discuss the psychological Essay - 1

With reference to motivation theory, discuss the psychological foundations of pay - Essay Example The intellectuals mentioned above have offered their theories from the perspective of their respective fields/disciplines. For example, Maslow, McGregor, Alderfer, McClelland have emphasized the physiological basis of employee motivation, whereas scientists such as Locke, Vroom, Kelly and Tolman have presented the cognitive basis of motivation. Social/behaviourist theories of motivation comprise the third school of thought, where seminal contributions were made by Pavlov, Taylor, Thorndike, Skinner, etc. An understanding of psychological motivations of pay is achieved by gleaning relevant points from these three schools of thought. The behaviourist theory lays emphasis on the â€Å"effect of learning and reinforcement, and as a result the behaviourist theory of motivation is closely connected to the psychological theories of learning and reinforcement.† (Hume, 1995) Abraham H. Maslow’s ground breaking thesis the Hierarchy of Needs gives insight into human motivation (in the workplace or elsewhere). He notes that â€Å"all individuals have a set of human needs which are prioritized on an ascending scale, primary needs dealing with physiology and safety, and secondary needs dealing with the psychological aspects of human existence, etc. These needs in ascending order are: physiological, safety, social/love, esteem, and self actualization.† (Hume, 1995) Firstly, pay helps satisfy primary needs of physiological needs of safety and security by allowing for housing, clothing expenditures. Secondly, it satisfies the social/psychological need by bestowing a social status to the individual. Though this secondary need is subjective and less tangible, it is a powerful source of motivation nevertheless. Coming to the Cognitive theories of motivation, the most important contribution comes from American psychologist Edward C. Tolman, who articulated his Expectancy Theory of Motivation. Here, he suggests that â€Å"that the behaviour of individuals is not

Monday, September 23, 2019

Proposal Preparation Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Proposal Preparation Plan - Assignment Example hold the cohesive nature of the work thus ensuring that the broken points are successive, this facilitates the efficient completion of the work without instances of redundancy. Key among the components of a particular work breakdown structure is the scope of the project. This refers to the features of the project including all the activities that make up the project. The structure must detail all the features of the work thus providing a reliable blueprint in the completion of the work. Time is yet another essential component of the structure. As discussed earlier, the structure guides the operations of the project managers. As such, it must detail the timeframe for the project by providing appropriate durations for every aspect of the project. Timely completion of the broken-down features contributes to the timely completion of the entire project owing to the interrelation of the various components (Project Management Institute, 2006). Additionally, a work breakdown structure must show the budget associated with the completion of the task. The budget enhances the completion of the project since it avails adequate resources for the completion of a particul ar aspect of the work. The appropriateness of the budgetary allocations ensures the effective and timely completion of the work since it influences the availability of the related resources. Besides all the features described above, a work breakdown structure must name the individual responsible for the project. This enhances accountability, a fundamental feature that contributes to the success of the project. An aircraft system is a complicated system consisting of various components that must operates efficiently and independently albeit in unison. This ensures the success and efficient operation of the entire system. The graphical representation below portrays a broken down feature of the system showing a typical work breakdown structure in the maintenance of an aircraft system. The system presents a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Unity of Heaven and Human Essay Example for Free

The Unity of Heaven and Human Essay Your assignment is to write a paper that compares and contrasts the ideas of any two of the following three philosophers: Confucius (aka Kongzi), Mozi, Zhuangzi. In your comments, you should try to adopt the perspective of one of these three thinkers. For example, if you are comparing Confucius and Zhuangzi you might present Zhuangzi’s perspective on Confucius: Which of his ideas are similar to your own and therefore worthy of praise? Which ideas are different from your own and therefore reprehensible? Six different permutations are possible: Confucius on Mozi Mozi on Confucius Zhuangzi on Mozi Mozi on Zhuangzi Zhuangzi on Confucius Confucius on Zhuangzi The paper should be 3 pages (typed, double-spaced, with no unusually sized type fonts). It is due in class on Wednesday, October 16. Late papers will lose one grade step (e. g. B+ to B) immediately and an additional step every day until they are turned in. For your reference, I am putting the following books on Reserve in Hale Library: Vitaly Rubin, Individual and State in Ancient China. Arthur Waley, Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China Basic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu, translated by Burton Watson Sources of Chinese Tradition, edited by Wm. Theodore de Bary The use of these books or any other sources apart from assigned class readings is entirely optional. Bear in mind that if you borrow any ideas from any printed sources (including books, articles and Web sites) you should indicate your source, and if you borrow their exact words you must use quotation marks. There is no need, however, to cite me for material in your notes that is based on class lectures and discussions. For course purposes, such material is considered to be in the â€Å"public domain. † In citing sources, for assigned reading and any of the four books listed above it’s OK to use a parenthetical citation such as (Ivanhoe, p. 109) or (Rubin, p. 25). If you cite any other sources, it would be best to provide a footnote or endnote providing full bibliographical information in the first instance. Please check with me if you are unsure how to proceed.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Theme of Love in Act 1 Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Theme of Love in Act 1 Romeo and Juliet Essay â€Å"A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life† : by using these words in his Prologue and by describing Romeo and Juliet as being â€Å"star-cross’d† Shakespeare is alluding to destiny, the inevitability of the two characters’ paths crossing each other and suggests that the outcome is going to be fatal. The Prologue is written in sonnet form, a form of poetry which is usually used for love and by doing this Shakespeare is suggesting to his audience that that the play is concerned with love as well as tragedy: it brings a sense of heroism to the play and makes Romeo and Juliet the eponymous heroes that every play needs. Shakespeare shows their determination to be together despite the fact their stars are crossed rather than aligned: in the days of Shakespeare it was believed that the positions of the stars ruled over people’s fates and there was nothing they could do to fight it. Shakespeare does not begin the play with the theme of love but rather the theme of hate â€Å"draw thy tool, here comes of the house of Montague’s†. The quote spoken by Gregory a servant of the house Capulet, is telling us how strongly he feels he must support the Capulet’s by hating the Montague servants. Gregory is a servant he has no reason to hate the Montague’s or even hurt them yet he still has anger towards them for no purpose other than they are his master’s enemies. Shakespeare does this, he starts the play with hatred, he embeds this violence and anger into the play between all these people just to show and help the audience understand what really goes on behind the scenes of love. Romeo and Juliet may be in love but Shakespeare tells us their friends, families and relations have an â€Å"ancient grudge† which breaks to â€Å"new mutiny†. The conflict of these two families only reinforces the aspects of love that we see; it tells the audience that if Romeo and Juliet are willing to ignore their families feud despite the consequences that they both would suffer theirs, must be true love and that is why Shakespeare starts off the play with the intertwining of love and hate. The first time Romeo is introduced in the play it is by Lady Montague who inquires of Benvolio (Romeo’s friend) about her son, â€Å"O where is Romeo? Saw you him today?† Shakespeare used these two short sentences to help the audience see the worry of a caring and loving mother, a perfect example of parental love. Shakespeare wants the audience to see Romeo’s parents are very â€Å"hands on† and involved in his life even knowing when he’s upset. Lord Montague tells us that when the sun, â€Å"begin to draw† Romeo â€Å"begin to draw the shady curtains from Aurora’s bed, away from light steals home my heavy son†. Aurora is the Greek god of dawn and Lord Montague is using classical allusion to elevate the idea that Romeo is so miserable he is shutting out the light and is â€Å"heavy† which means sad and depressed. The fact that Lord and Lady Montague are even aware of Romeo’s state shows just how openly they love him and shows their true parental love. Juliet’s parents, Lord and Lady Capulet, have a different approach to parental love and find it harder to express their love for Juliet. Lord Capulet is protective of his only remaining child â€Å"The hopeful lady of my earth† was how he described Juliet, Shakespeare shows a big contrast between Juliet’s parents behaviour by showing Lord Capulet’s open declaration of love for his daughter yet Lady Capulet cannot even speak to Juliet alone, she wants to speak to her daughter about the personal subject of marriage and sends the nurse away â€Å"Nurse give leave a while, We must talk in secret.† But then she says â€Å"Nurse come back again, I have remember’d me†; Lady Capulet needs the help of the Nurse to speak to Juliet: it seems as though she is afraid of her own daughter and wants the Nurse in with her to talk about this sensitive subject. The last type of â€Å"parental† love which Shakespeare explores is the love between Juliet and her Nurse. We feel that the Nurse is more of a mother to Juliet and loves her more than her real mother. On line 62 the nurse says, â€Å"And I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish† she is saying if she could live to see Juliet married even once that’s all she would need to make her happy in life: the quote shows the closeness the Nurse feels for Juliet; she feels as if she were her own daughter and seems to love her as much as if she were. The theme of love continues and it seems as if Shakespeare is mocking Romeo for when Romeo sees Juliet he says, â€Å"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night† Romeo is saying he has never known true love till this moment when, in fact only moments before he was infatuated with Rosaline and was convinced he was heartbroken because Rosaline didn’t love him: his language was completely overdramatic and full of misery when talking about his love for Rosaline, â€Å"this love feel I that feel no love in this.† I think by changing Romeo’s views of love (dramatically) when he sees Juliet from the negative response to Rosaline’s reaction to a positive one to Juliet’s. Shakespeare shows us two different types of love: one between Romeo and Rosaline and the other between Romeo and Juliet. Through this he manages to show that Romeo is so young and naive not knowing the true meaning of love until he meets Juliet: he is just using words and feelings he thinks means he’s in love. The once â€Å"love sick† young man seems to fall in love with Juliet very quickly. He says, â€Å"this love feel I that feel no love in this† which is an oxymoron to show how miserable Romeo is about his unrequited love; he feels he can’t be happy because Rosaline doesn’t love him. However, when Romeo sees Juliet his thoughts and state of mind become much happier: his love for Rosaline is forgotten and his language is very dramatic. His love for Rosaline was purely superficial; proof of this is in line 209-10 â€Å"O she is rich in beauty only poor that when she dies, with her beauty dies her store† whilst expressing his love for Rosaline to Benvolio: but all Romeo seems to actually be expressing is his love of her beauty not her heart or her as a person. In the lines I mentioned previously â€Å"the shady curtains from Aurora’s bed away from light steals home my heavy son† said by Romeo’s father about his son; Shakespeare uses light in a negative way here to show Romeo is upset and doesn’t even want to see th e sun but wants only to shut himself up in his bedroom and wallow in his misery, but when he sees Juliet he uses images of light which makes his love for Juliet more real. Shakespeare also uses classical illusion when talking of Romeo’s unrequited love for Rosaline to elevate how unhappy he is but when talking of his love for Juliet he uses religious imagery to show how happy he is with this love. It is hard for Juliet to know what â€Å"true love† is: when her mother Lady Capulet, and her Nurse propose to her the idea of marrying Paris she says â€Å"it is an honour that I dream not of.† This shows us how completely young and innocent she really is. Shakespeare is telling the audience of Juliet’s youth and reminding them how before Romeo, she had never even thought of being in love. Shakespeare continues the theme of Juliet’s feelings by allowing her to respond to her mother’s question, â€Å"how stands your dispositions to be married?† saying, â€Å"I’ll look to like, if looking liking move.† Here we see the respectable, dutiful child who wants to please her parents. She continues saying â€Å"your consent gives strength to make it fly† agreeing that if her mother approves, she will oblige her mother’s will and do what her mother wishes. In act 1 scene 2 we see a different kind of love, the love parents feel their children should have: the kind of love Paris has for Juliet. This is a contractual type of love. Paris’s love for Juliet is more of a contractual love not true type of love: he sees Juliet the way a woman sees a sparkly diamond; as an object of his affection, something to be desired. Juliet is the diamond to Paris, a step higher in society, a boost to his career and most importantly would be suitable to be the bearer of his future children. Juliet is from a respectable home with high social standing and a powerful father, and Paris is handsome a suitable match for her. The contract of their marriage would be simple. Paris would provide and Juliet would be a dutiful wife but, what Shakespeare tells the audience is that the contract is actually between Paris and Lord Capulet since Juliet is owned by her father until she is married. â€Å"O she doth teach the torches to burn bright† When Romeo first sees Juliet Shakespeare uses light in a positive way to express Romeo’s love for Juliet. Shakespeare delays the inevitable meeting of Romeo and Juliet for five scenes to build tension for the audience. Romeo and Juliet’s love is not just about emotions; Shakespeare also wanted it to be about lust and passion but not just about that and so when they finally meet and they finally kiss Shakespeare uses religious imagery and allusions to elevate their love; for example on line 98-99 Juliet, using gentle poetic language, says â€Å"Saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.† Shakespeare is not only elevating the kiss but also Juliet’s character by showing the importance of religion to her and how she feels her for Romeo is as strong as her love of religion. At the beginning of my essay I talked about fate; I talked about Romeo and Juliet’s fate being â€Å"cross’d in the stars† and I believe that, and I think Shakespeare believed it too which is why he put it in his play: but I also believe their love was true and pure despite their age and obvious immaturity and different ideas of love. Nothing is worth having if you don’t have to fight for it and Romeo and Juliet fought; they fought the odds, they fought their birth-right and because of this Shakespeare allows us to see the problems attached to pure love.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Identifying factors contributing to high readmission of diabetic patients

Identifying factors contributing to high readmission of diabetic patients INTRODUCTION. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease. Where the blood circulation contain of high sugar level, it can occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces (WHO). Diabetes is a progressive disease that can lead to a significant number of health complications and profoundly reduce quality of life. While many diabetic patients manage the health complication with diet and exercise and require medications to improve uncontrolled blood glucose level. Diabetes has been treatable since insulin became available in 1921, and type 2 diabetes may be controlled with medications. Preeti (2008). Both type 1 and 2 are chronic conditions that usually cannot be cured. Acute complications include hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, or nonketotic hyper osmolar coma. Serious long-term complications include cardiovascular disease, chronic renal failure and retinal damage. Adequate treatment of diabetes is important, to control blood pressure and healthy lifestyle such as smoking cessation and maintaining a body weight. Treatment of diabetes involves diet, exercise, education, and drugs. If people with diabetes strictly control blood sugar levels, complications are less likely to develop. The goal of diabetes treatment, therefore, is to keep blood sugar levels within the normal range as much as possible. Treatment of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels can prevent some of the complications of diabetes as well. A good health education from the medical staff in the ward can give a good condition to patient health and prevent patient from admit again to the ward. The health education in the ward should begin from day 1 patient admit to the ward until the patient discharge from the ward. This health education should not stop when the patient is discharge from the ward but it must be continued from the health community to make sure that the patient is healthy. PROBLEM STATEMENT. General Objective: To identify factors contributing to high readmission of diabetic patients post discharge. 1.2.3 Specific objective. To identify why the patient is not take their medication after discharge from the ward. To study relationship between knowledge and medication to the patient. In Malaysia, the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey showed that the prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) for adults aged 30Â  years and above was found to be 14.9% in 2006. Salwa et. al., ( 2010). Patients with diabetes should know that how importance their health after they has confirmed have diabetes. Health education to patients and families were given continuously by the nurses when these patients were admitted for stabilization of their DM, from day 1 of admission and continued until they discharged. With proper health education, the patient should be able to take care for them self until follow up in the clinic. The health education must include dietary intake and medication. The talk is given by the nutritionist and medication by clinical pharmacist. Nurses should take part in the dietary and medication talk when the patient attends the talk to ensure the compliance by the patient continuously after they discharge from the ward. In January 2011, there are 4 patient has been readmitted to the male and female medical ward within 2 weeks after discharged from the ward. To prevent from this admission, health education should be given continuously to the patients either in the ward or by the community health care provider when the patient is discharge from the hospital. CHAPTER 2 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW. The literature review has been searched from internet. Diabetes mellitus is now a major global public health problem. The incidence and prevalence of diabetes are escalating especially developing and newly industrialized nations. In Malaysia, diabetes is a growing concern. Through the Ministry of Healths six year thematic Healthy Lifestyle Campaign which began in 1991, diabetes mellitus was the theme for the year 1995. Here, the promotion of adopting healthy lifestyle practices relating to the prevention of diabetes namely creating awareness and balance diet, maintain ideal body weight and physical activities were encouraged. The campaign emphasized on creating, awareness of the disease and its complications to the public. Rugayah ( 2007) According to Zook (1980). Hospitalizations account for about half of all health care expenses, and it has been estimated that 20% of the inpatients in Malaysia and 13% in the USA use more than half of all hospital resources through repeated admissions. During past decades, hospital readmissions have been the subject of retrospective surveys and prospective trials with a view to their prevention. The objective is to review these studies and focus on the frequency of readmissions of diabetes mellitus patient, their causes and validity as a measure of quality of care, and the attempts for their prevention. The recent literature on hospital readmissions and found that most of them are believed to be caused by patient frailty and progression of chronic disease. However, from 11% to 52% of all readmissions have been judged to be preventable because they were associated with indicators of substandard care during the hospitalization, such as poor resolution of the main problem, unstable therapy at discharge, and inadequate post discharge care and advice. Furthermore, randomized prospective trials have shown that 15% to 85% of all readmissions can be prevented by patient education, pre discharge assessment, and domiciliary aftercare. However, high readmission rates of patients with diabetes mellitus may identify quality-of-care problems. A focus on the specific needs of such patients may lead to the creation of more responsive health care systems for the chronically ill. Most complications are the result of problems with blood vessels. High sugar levels over a long time cause narrowing of both the small and large blood vessels. The narrowing reduces blood flow to many parts of the body, leading to problems. There are several causes of blood vessel narrowing. Complex sugar-based substances build up in the walls of small blood vessels, causing them to thicken and leak. Poor control of blood sugar levels also tends to cause the levels of fatty substances in the blood to rise, resulting in atherosclerosis. Poor circulation to the skin can lead to ulcers and infections and causes wounds to heal slowly. People with diabetes are particularly likely to have ulcers and infections of the feet and legs. Too often, these wounds heal slowly or not at all, and amputation of the foot or part of the leg may be needed. Currently there are at least 4-5 patients will be readmission for stabilization then discharged. Upon admission of a patient, this would cause overpopulation of ward, increase expenses and uncontrolled condition of the patient in the ward. Nurse also must provide health education to the patients, their relative and refer patients to nutritionist and education unit for counseled. Browne (2000) conducted a scientific research on factor for diabetes patient on knowledge and the diabetic drugs for diabetic patients. The major purpose of the research are to identify the important factors for patient compliance in the usage of diabetic drugs, specific knowledge on the action drug, the correct dosage and adverse side effects. . From Browne (2000), noted that only 15% of the patient knows the action of the drug they are consuming, where as 62% of them consume at the right time and 23% of patients gained a proper knowledge on medication or drug that they are consuming. In summary it is concluded that the diabetes patient has the more knowledge and information on the adverse effect of the drug compared to the action of oral hypoglycaemic drugs. According to Ranjini et al,(2003) done a research on knowledge, attitude and practice from patient diabetic at Klinik Kesihatan Seri Manjung, Perak. The findings showed correlation between knowledge, attitude and practice. The finding showed that increases knowledge for patients who have education is better from the patient who does not have any education. Hospitalizations account for about half of all health care expenses, and it has been estimated that 20% of the inpatients in Malaysia and 13% in the USA use more than half of all hospital resources through repeated admissions. Zook et al (1980). For past decades, hospital readmissions have been the subject of retrospective surveys and prospective trials with a view to their prevention. The objective is to review these studies and focus on the frequency of readmissions of diabetes mellitus patient, their causes and validity as a measure of quality of care, and the attempts for their prevention. Soeken et al (1991), done a research on readmission rates according to demographic, social, and disease-related characteristics. Researcher Wray et al (1988), done a meta-analysis of 44 studies published before 1990 revealed that age, length of stay during the index hospitalization, and previous use of hospital resources were among the main independent predictors of readmissions. These findings indicate that patient-specific factors predict readmissions. A study of a national sample of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or dementia revealed that after adjusting for severity and clinical and demographic characteristics, patients discharged to nursing homes were less likely to be readmitted within 30 days after discharge than those discharged to personal homes. According to Comberg et al (1997) Finally, some studies have found an association between readmission rates and inappropriate care during the index hospitalization. A case-control study revealed that 5 criteria of inpatient care (resolution of main problem, adequacy of the post discharge destination, stability of doses of therapy, and appropriate timing of the first follow-up visit) predicted readmissions within 30 days. Ashton et al (1987) Another case-control study found that a set of disease-specific, explicit criteria of appropriateness of care predicted readmissions. It has been suggested that 1 of 7 readmissions in patients with diabetes, 1 of 5 readmissio ns in patients with heart failure, and 1 of 12 readmissions in patients with obstructive lung disease were attributable to substandard care. Absence of documentation of discharge planning, increased temperature, intravenous fluids on the day of discharge, or unaddressed abnormal test results at discharge were related to an increased subsequent mortality. Ashton et al (1997). A meta-analysis of 29 studies published from 1975 through 1993 confirmed that low-quality inpatient care during the index hospitalization increased the risk of subsequent readmissions. Wei et al (1995). At least some readmissions, therefore, are associated with modifiable factors. Readmission rates have been reported to decline after the implementation of pre-discharge reviews and improved follow-up after discharge. Bean et al (1995) However, non-experimental, before-after study designs are subject to confounding and to regression toward the mean. Confounding refers to changes beyond the planned intervention that occurred over time and that in and of themselves may have reduced readmission rates. Regression to the mean is the tendency of above-average rates to fall toward average over time. Since programs aiming to reduce readmission rates are likely to be implemented in institutions with high readmission rates, their favorable results may reflect a decline that would have occurred on subsequent determinations even without any specific interventions. The findings concerning the effect of interventions indicate that improved hospital and post discharge care are associated with fewer readmissions. Still, there is evidence that global readmission rates have a limited value as indicators of quality of care. For example, about half of the studies failed to uncover any relationship between quality of care and readmissions. Ashton et al (1997). In all clinical condition readmission rates of patients who received poor-quality care were similar to those of patients whose care was judged acceptable. Thomas (1996). Similarly, assessed risk-adjusted outcomes after renal failure, gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage, stroke, myocardial infarction, and heart failure and concluded that length of stay, death, and unplanned readmission were predicted mainly by age, severity, and co morbidity. Roe et al (1996). Hospital readmissions raise concern among health care providers, and therefore efforts for their reduction are likely to be endorsed by clinicians and administrators. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction. This is a prospective study. The data is collect from the patient who admitted to the ward. The project was conducted in the one of the district hospital at Negeri Sembilan. Data on diabetes was obtained from adult respondents through interviews by trained nurses using a questionnaires. A 2-hour-post glucose load test was conducted by the nurses to the respondents who self-professed that they were non-diabetics and have not been diagnosed by any, medical personnel. These non-diabetes were measured for their blood glucose level using glucophotometer in a dry non-wipe technique. Those who refused to be examined were classified as refused to be examined and those who could not tolerate glucose due to old age were classified as unable to be examined. For the purpose of analysis in this survey, the respondents were categorized into 3 categories. The known diabetes were the adult respondents who self-professed they were diabetics and diagnosed by medical personnel. Those non-diabetics who had undergone the 2 hour post glucose load test and whose blood glucose measurement level of 11.1 mol/1 or more were categorized as undiagnosed diabetes. Those with blood glucose measurement of 7.8 < 11.1 mmol/1 were classified as impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) The known diabetes were enquired about their treatment status, utilization pattern of health facilities and perceived complications associated with their diabetic condition. 3.2 Research design. This is prospective study. Data will be collected by reviewing medical records and completing a structured data collection sheet. Data including admission diagnosis, the type of medication that patient receive in the ward, sign and symptom of diabetic mellitus, the correct statement for people with diabetic, when the patient feel hypoglycemia, the hypoglycemia condition, and no identifiers such as medical record numbers, patients names and gender will be used on the data collection instrument. In this study it will have a graphs, charts, table and summary. 3.3 Sample size. There is 10 questionnaire was given to diabetic patient in the medical male and medical female ward at the district hospital at Negeri Sembilan. About 30 respondent involved in the interview. 3.3.1 Inclusion i. How many years the patient have diabetes. ii. The patient should understand and can read in Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa English. iii. The age of the patients above 40 years 65 years.. 3.3.2 Exclusion. i. The patient who do not understand and can read in Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa English. Ii For patient who senile or psychiatric patient which they cannot give a cooperation and understand the question during the interview. 3.4 Instrument. There is 10 questionnaire about diabetes are given to the patient in the ward. The patient should give a correct answer when answer the question. There is time frame of the project. It starts from 1st March to 31st March. 2011. There question are divided to part I and part II. There is 8 question on part I where the answer is to choose a, b, c or d. Part II has 3 question where the patient have to choose true or false in the statement. The question adopt from the: Diabetes and Hormone Center of the Pacific Ala Moana Pacific Center 3.5 Ethical Consideration. 2.5.1 Letter from Head of Department, Health Sciencs UiTM to the Hospital Director for the project. Appendic 1 Approval letter from the Hospital Director to the Health Sciences for the project. Appendic 2 2.5.3 Consent from patient, if respondent refused to be interview, the respondent should be droped from this project. Appendic 3. 3.6. Limitation. 2.6.1 Receive late approval letter from the acedemic. 2.6.2 Because this is the distric hospital the total number of admission into the ward is low. 2.6.3 If the patient refused for the interview, the respondent should be droped from the project. 2.6.4 The duration time to collect data from the patients should be finish in one month. CHAPTER 4 4.1 Result . A total number of 40 patients were admitted to the both male and female medical wards from 1st March to 31st March 2011. The gender distribution was 33.33% is female and 66.66% is male. There is 96.7% or 29 of the respondents said that they eat too much of sugar or sweat drink when they are young before they diagnose have diabetes mellitus. The patient was admitted to the ward for stabilization of sugar level. See table 1 Table 1 Frequency Percent Caused by eating too much sugar 29 96.66667 Condition which the body cannot use the food properly 1 3.333333 Total 30 100 About 80% (24) of the respondents have the common symptoms of diabetes such as frequent urination specially at bed time, where they will get up 2 to 3 times to toilet. Hunger and thirsty specially in the morning before lunch time and 20% (6) of the respondents craving for sweets. See table 2 Table 2 Frequency Percent Frequent urination, hunger, thirst 24 80 Craving for sweets 6 20 Total 30 100 70% (21) of the respondents said the following statement is correct for people with diabetes that they should have snacks between-meal. Because they feel hungry and thirsty before they had their lunch in the afternoon or in the evening. They like to had drink and eat some snacks to prevent hunger. See table 3 Table 3 Frequency Percent Everyone with diabetes should have between-meal snacks 21 70 Changes lifestyle (meal, planning, exercise, medication, stress) 4 13.33333 Travelling should avoid taking insulin 5 16.66667 Total 30 100 76.7% (21) patients who take insulin once a day said that they take the breakfast 30 minutes after the insulin injection. It show the patient understand why it is important to take breakfast after the medication to prevent from hypoglycemic attack. See table 4. Table 4 Frequency Percent About 30 minutes before breakfast 23 76.66667 I do not know 7 23.33333 Total 30 100 46.7%(14) of the patients have the symptoms of hypoglycemia attack, 20% (6) have sweating, sudden weakness, 16.7% (5) have trembling or shaking, sudden weakness, and 16.7% (5) have trembling or shaking and sweating. It showed that the symptom is different between each patient. See table 5 Table 5 Frequency Percent 1 and 2 5 16.7 2 and 3 6 20 1 and 3 5 16.7 all of the above 14 46.7 Total 30 100 What is the reaction of the patient if they get hypoglycemic attack, 73.3% (22) of the patients said that they will eat some food that has sugar or chew some sweet to prevent from severe hypoglycemia attack. They will bring along the sweets if they on exercise, working in the farm or they on vacation. See table 6 Table 6. Frequency Percent Ignore it and it will go away 5 16.66667 Eat some food that has sugar 22 73.33333 lie down and see whether it will pass 3 10 Total 30 100 50%(15) of the patients said that confusion is not an indicator of hypoglycemia. Because the patient know about the sign and symptom of the hypoglycemia and they will prevent from get this attack either in the house or out site of their house compound. They will bring some sweets along with them. See table 7. Table 7. Frequency Percent Fatigue 7 23.3 Poor Appetite 7 23.3 Tachycardia 1 3.3 Confusion 15 50 Total 30 100 73.3% (22) patients said that they are allowed to use as much sugar as they want because they use too and lack of knowledge of the diabetes symptom when they are young. All of the respondents (100%) said that they have greater change to get the complications such as hypoglycemic attack from a patient who does not have diabetes. 93.3% (28) patients said if they did not control the blood sugar level there is greater change of infection and illness. The infection will take time to heel. See table 8 Table 8 CHAPTER 5 5.1 Discussion. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that in the year 2030, Malaysia would have a total of 2.48 million people with diabetes compared to 0.94 millions in 2000. In Malaysia, the First National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS I) conducted in 1986 reported a prevalence of diabetes of 6.3% and in the Second National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS II) in 1996, this had risen to 8.3%. The NHMS I and NHMS II involved subjects above 30 years. The third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMSIII) conducted between April to July 2006 and included the diabetes module in the survey on subjects above 18 years. Zanariah et al (2008). Diabetic is a costly, disorder. Defining the distribution of specific characteristics among diabetics can assist in the planning, implementing and evaluating diabetic programmers for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and control of diabetes. In planning of services for diabetes control, equity policies have to be considered. In this study it show that the patients know that they prone to get diabetes because of take a sweet drinks and rich of sugar in their food. When the patient in the ward, the nurse should teach the patient how to do the insulin injection, where are the side of injection and tell the patient that he should change the site of the injection to prevent from boil. The nurse should observe the patient how he syringe out the insulin and how to inject to his body. The nurse should remind the patient about sign and symptom of hypoglycemic attack and the precaution of the disease. The health education should continuously given to the patients from day 1 they admitted until the patient discharge from the ward and continued by the health community by do a home visit to the patient if the patient cannot go to the clinic for follow up. Regarding the diet, health education from the nutritionist and the medication from the clinical pharmacist should be continued since the patient stay in the ward. 5.2 Conclusion. Diabetes prevalence rate in Malaysia has risen much faster than expected, almost double over the last decade. Prevention and control of this chronic disease should be stepped up. Diabetes is certainly a diagnosis that nobody ever wants to receive. There is no cure, but it can be managed through diet, medication and exercise. Having high blood sugar level is out of control, the result in irreparable damage to the body, particularly with the kidneys, cardiovascular and blindness. Health education to patient on how to manage the disease and how to avoid or prolong adverse effects on the body.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analyse the relationship between the product life cycle and cash flow :: Economics

Analyse the relationship between the product life cycle and cash flow The 'product life cycle' is split into 5 stages: * Research and development * Introduction * Growth * Maturity/Saturation * Decline The product life cycle is the model that represents a sales pattern for a product over a period of time. It shows the revenue by a product from is introduction to its eventual decline. There are four stages to the product life cycle: Introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Research and development is the first stage of the product life cycle. This is where a firm has a research team look in to possible new ideas and products for a business. This can be very expensive for the firm. No income is made at this stage as there is no revenue coming in to the firm but capital being paid out on resources. The cash flow at this stage is very low. Introduction: This is the point when the product life cycle begins. This is when the actual product is launched and does not include testing or research and development. Manufacturers at this stage spend a lot of money in order to create awareness. The cash flow at this stage would not be very positive. A lot of money has been spent at the introduction to get the public to notice the product and to make them aware. The firm would not expect to make any profit at this stage as the product has just been launched. Growth: If the product succeeds, sales will grow. Prices could still be high but with increased competition prices will drop. The producer still advertises at a high level to fight off competition. Product starts to move into profitability. The cash flow starts to gain more revenue. Maturity: Sales growth begins to slow as market saturation is approached. Sales are kept going by those who are late to adopt new products. This stage will last longer than the earlier stages. This is where the most revenue is taken in for the longest period of time. This is where the cash flow reaches its peak but also at the point of saturation starts to decrease. To stop the revenue and the product going down at the point of saturation maybe the firm could give the product a new identity and maybe a new advertising campaign. Decline: Eventually the product will become less interesting for purchasers, and the decline of the product will commence.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Good evening. Some of you out there may not realize this but those of you who attended Suntime Middle School have been with this guy for the last seven years. I would like to ask you all, not just Suntime Middle School grads and who all else, to join me in thanking Mr. Weather for his patience and dedication to the success of our education over the years. We are the Class of 2000. The first graduating class of the new millennium. The past four years have been pretty wild. We started out as a bunch of rats in a small cage, but as time went by we learned and matured and became big rats in a new small cage, but in any case, the cage door is now opening; the handlers turning us wild things loose. As we leave "Where the Wild Things Are," home to some of the best cat fights, fist fights and food fights this side of the Cascades, I have a little surprise for all of you sitting in front of me here tonight in your caps and gowns †¦ we ain’t seen nothing yet! One of my favorite books when I was little was "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak. I’m sure many of you here tonight are quite familiar with it. It is about a young boy named Max who loves to dress up in his wolf suit and cause trouble. When his mother disapproves, Max creates a world of make-believe with his imagination in which he is king of all wild things. Here he is accepted and revered for his savage behavior. I loved it in my younger days because of the pictures of the big monsters and was jealous of the boy who got the chance to live with them. I always wanted to be that boy. To be a "wild thing," carefree, with no responsibilities or authority figure to answer to. "The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another his mother called hi... ...ere he found his supper waiting for him and it was still hot." It is now time to step out of high school and enter a world of choices. It is time to leave "where the wild things are," taking our experiences, memories and knowledge and follow our hearts and dreams. It is time to give thanks to all who have supported and helped us down this path. Thank your friends for being there for you, thank your teachers for preparing you, thank your parents for guiding you and thank all others who always made sure your supper was still hot. So as you hop in your sailboat and follow to where good smelling things are to eat, remember what you’ve learned from being in the world of the wild things. Take this experience and utilize it towards your future, because I guarantee you that what lies ahead for us is gonna make being a wild thing look like a walk in the park. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Role of Government in Policy Making

While reading Chapter 2 on The Role of Government in Policy Making, I noticed that in the text it stated that â€Å"all fields of practice are affected by the social and organizational policy made by judicial decisions. † (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon pg. 35). The YWCA provides women and children with several different services. It is vital that the organization is careful of what they are doing with their clients and observe the policies for these social programs.The judicial branch of the government has a lot of power over these social programs and can completely discontinue the program under certain circumstances. This is done in order to keep the organization consistent with court orders. â€Å"The judicial branch restricts or expands the power of government administrators and officials so that they are consistent with past court decisions, with governmental principles, and (sometimes) with the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens. † (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon).The laws that are put in place for this organization or organizations similar to the YWCA can influence the decision making and its day to day operations by a simple change in law. A change in law could mean that the requirements have been altered or changed and in order to service their clients properly, there are guidelines that need to be met. â€Å"The judiciary both creates anew and reshapes old social policy. (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel. Published by Allyn and Bacon). I found that the YWCA has to only engage in activities related to its mission or purpose.â€Å"The Association may not engage in any activities that do not further the Mission or its purposes as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws. † (http://www. cortlandywca. org/pdf/ywcabylaws07. pdf) Some of the laws read were very particular about the dos and don’ts of the organization. The information read shows that these laws put in place definitely influences the organizations decision making day-to-day operations. These changes that the judicial branch make keeps the organization on their toes in making sure they follow guidelines.The role that the court system or law played in shaping policies that affect the YWCA is pivotal. The courts are very involved in the evaluative process. â€Å"The public policy values the court is free to evaluate are related to but independent from the political values which motivated the existence or absence of a statute†. The court system benefits the YWCA tremendously considering they provide shelter and protection from abuse. â€Å"Each year the YWCA helps hundreds of individuals obtain protection from abuse orders, and provides victim support in criminal and civil court cases.The YWCA court advocate provides assistance to victims who are involved in the district court system. † (http://www. ywcaofwichita. org/pr ogram-court-advocacy. htm). Knowing that the court system can not only have a negative impact on the organization but also help women who are in an abusive situation, and get away from whatever the problem is, no matter what her financial situation may be. â€Å"Courts can shape and frame social policy in regard to administrative rulings as well as legislation. † (Donald E. Chambers and Kenneth R. Wedel.  Published by Allyn and Bacon).Reading this passage has help me to realize how the judicial system really affects non-profit organizations or organizations in general. Any organization that meets the guidelines of the judicial system are affected by its policies. Keeping organizations consistent with the court orders ensures the organization effective execution when dealing with clients. Whenever a judicial decision has been made it is important for that organization to be well informed so that there is no discontinuation of the program.Although the legislative and executiv e branches are elected by the people, the judicial branch is a presidential pick. It is very important to stick with the policies, and procedures and be prepared for any changes that may arise. Having a preview of how the organization and the government works when it comes to a particular situation helps to help me better prepare for future endeavors. These laws and judicial decisions affect organizations all around the world, it can be a benefit to all, if everyone is well informed on what is going on and what is to come.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Dbq12: the Industrial Revolution: Beginnings Answers

DOC #1 This document would help support the geographical/resource paragraph for the essay question – essentially, England had coal which powered machines, iron which created the machines and wool which the machines made into thread and then textiles. If the map is to scale, it is easy to infer that the resources were fairly close to canals or ports which meant less expense and faster shipping to the factories. DOC#2 This document supports the geographical/resource paragraph for the essay – factories needed a large, mobile population to work in the factories.DOC#3 This document supports an innovation paragraph because the idea of the assembly line was first used in the textile mills to increase production. This document could also be used to support the resource paragraph because if there were not so many people available to work in the factories, then there would not be enough people to man the assembly line. DOC#4 This document aids the resource/geography paragraph as it discusses the coal, iron and wool resources’ proximity to ports and rivers. These waterways cut down on shipping time and cost, as land shipping is usually more costly due to the length of time it takes.Because thee resources are close together, they can also be easily experimented with, due to the lower shipping costs. DOC#5 This document would support an innovation/scientific paragraph as it focuses on how English thinkers are able to work on their inventions. DOC:6 This document can be used in an innovation paragraph as it focuses on what inventions produced which results. It could also be used to support a resource paragraph as it infers that with these inventions, less people were needed to work, so more people were available to work in factories.It could also be used to support a factory paragraph as it describes the inventions that created the first textile mills, the first industry in England. Doc7 This document could support an innovation paragraph due to the impr ovements in agriculture which are able to support a growing number of city dwellers due to increased harvests. It could also support a resource paragraph as it infers that less people are needed on farms to plant and harvest crops; therefore, people are available to work in factories. Doc8This document would support a resource paragraph as it describes how farms create more food and infers that more people are available for other jobs. It could also support a political paragraph as it states that Parliament id not interfere with the consolidation of land into large farms. Doc9 This document would support a political paragraph as it states that England’s freedom in politics and economics, as compared to other countries like France and Germany where businesses are strictly regulated and shipping costs are prohibitive toward industrial development, led to its status as being the first country to industrialize.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Life with Brother Phil

One never realizes how easy life is when you are a child. Of course your â€Å"job† is to go to school and it seems as if life is hard; the responsibility of getting up and going to school, getting good grades, getting along with friends, parents, and siblings. However, as you get older, you realize how safe and protected you were.Summers actually meant free time and for me it meant true fun and games with my brother Phillip. Philip was the type of boy even the adults trusted. When something happened and adults needed to get to the â€Å"bottom† of the story, they turned to Philip knowing he’d tell them the truth despite any consequences.During this particular summer, Philip had invented a game similar to tag but which had us running through each other yards instead. The object of the game was to tag each other and then send them to the â€Å"nuthouse† set up in our yard. Ahhh, the memories of that summer and of the crazy games Philip dreamed up will give me pleasant dreams for life. Now, years later as we have grown up, some of that innocence has become lost. As I search Phillip’s eyes today, I no longer see the little boy of yesteryear with his eyes all aglow.Today Phillip is in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as a photographer. One would think that this creative little boy could use that imagination and creativity through the lens of the camera, but that is not the case where he lives. His pictures tell the story of the landscape; a landscape awash with dirt, broken coral and a quiet, discontent shoreline. And a story of a big brother who grew up from a bright starry eyed child into an adult who sees the real world as ugly as it truly is behind the eyes of a camera.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Bank of England and The Chancellor

Never again could the Chancellor conflict with the Bank's recommendation in setting loan fees, as Conservative Chancellors had every so often done (King, 1997). New Labour changed the institutional system in one vital way: it conceded operational control over money related strategy to the recently made Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of England. Strategy lucidity was planned to impact expansion desires and it was prosperous in accomplishing falling inflation regardless falling joblessness both when the 1997 election. Moreover, New Labour proceeded with the Conservative approach of declaring an inflation target and publicizing the counsel of the Bank of England on the fitting settings for a financial strategy to accomplish the objective.One may expect that the Labour left would not be so fulfilled this was to be sure an issue, as clarified underneath. As (Burnham 2001) has contended, this institutional change tended to the focal issue of â€Å"Old Labour† which had been caught on two sides, â€Å"unfit to meet the exclusive standards of its conventional supporters and exchange association aggressors or persuade budgetary capital of the fidelity of its financial arrangements†. In the money related markets, the government would just lose on the off chance that it looked to go astray from the Bank's recommendation; alternately, the choice to exchange operational control of loan costs to the Bank secured a prompt vote of certainty from the business sectors.This suggested hitting the expa nsion target called for soundness in yield and work around their ‘characteristic' or â€Å"non-quickening inflation† levels. Allocating an inflation focus to a national bank may give off an impression of being especially in the monetarist custom. While monetarists had favoured a â€Å"decreased frame† record of inflation as dictated by cash supply development, New Keynesians received ‘basic' models in which a money-related boost would go through the genuine economy to influence firms' value setting choices. Inflation is demonstrated as the aftereffect of wage value progression caught by Phillips Curves. A few Labour MPs required the Governor's resignation and trade unions likewise participated in reprimanding the larger part of the MPC for keeping interest costs too high.One choice about the formation of the FSA created debate. In this manner interest rates policy and inflation focusing on turned into the focal means for directing the financial cycle. On the off chance that ‘value strength' implied resource cost and in addition consumer value dependability, at that point the national bank should address obvious disequilibria, for example, house value bubbles. One issue with this approach concerned the development of benefit costs. This emerged from Labour's choice to exchange obligation regarding keeping banking supervision from the Bank of England to the FSA. Not long after Labour came to control, the then Governor inferred that activity misfortunes were an adequate cost to pay for checking house value expansion in the south (Wighton and Tighe, 1998). In any case, this contention can be turned on its head: without information of the condition of the monetary markets, the Bank can't appraise the impact of interests rate change (Goodhart and Schoenmaker, 1995). (Peston 2006) displays the two standard contentions at the time regarding why keeping banking supervision should be exchanged, one in view of specialized viability and the other on bureaucratic governmental issues. Surely the Conservative Chancellor, Nigel Lawson, saw the decision between financial approach focuses on a ‘moment arrange' choice (Oliver and Pemberton 2004), an appraisal resounded by (Hall 1993). The specialized contention is that the Bank's money related approach capacity may clash with monetary strength, if, for instance, an ascent in interest rates required for value dependability would put banks or different organizations in financial trouble. If an economic declined lingered, this implied inflation would decrease and loan fees ought to be sliced to empower the economy; on the other hand, if the economy seemed to be overheating, interest rates would go up.

Friday, September 13, 2019

An analysis of the Depreciation Methods in GAAP in the UK

An analysis of the Depreciation Methods in GAAP in the UK Depreciation is the allocation of the cost of a plant asset to expense over its useful (service) life in a rational and systematic manner† (Weygandt, Kieso and Kimmel, 2003:416). There are three factors affect the calculation of depreciation, which are asset cost, useful life and salvage value (Weygandt, Kieso and Kimmel, 2003). Accountant in different companies will use various methods to compute the depreciation. There are straight-line method, reducing balance method (double declining balance, sum of digits, reducing percentage), annuity method, and unit of production method (Mike, Ron and Allister, 1994). And in most companies, especially in the large corporations, they will use the straight-line method, because it is the easiest one to compute the depreciation. This essay will illustrate some method that usually used in the companies and contract with each method to find out which one is the most useful. At the beginning, the essay will illustrate the straight-line method , the second one is reducing balance method, the third method is sum of digits, and the last one is the unit of production method. Below each method, the essay will give an example, which is calculated by me. Under the straight-line method, the annual depreciation expense is the same over the asset’s estimated useful life every year. The annual depreciation expense is determined by depreciation cost divided by the useful life of the asset or multiplied by the annual rate of depreciation (Weygandt, Kieso and Kimmel, 2003). Example 1 An asset costs  ¿Ã‚ ¡11,000, its expected salvage value is  ¿Ã‚ ¡1,000, its estimated useful life is 5 years. Depreciable cost = ¿Ã‚ ¡11,000- ¿Ã‚ ¡1,000 = ¿Ã‚ ¡10,000 Annual depreciation expense = ¿Ã‚ ¡10,000/5years= ¿Ã‚ ¡2,000 OR Annual rate of depreciation =100%à ·5years=20% Annual depreciation expense = ¿Ã‚ ¡10,000*20%= ¿Ã‚ ¡2,000 Year 1 Cost  ¿Ã‚ ¡11,000 Depreciation 2,000 Year 2 Net book value 9,000 Depreciation 2,000 Year 3 Net book value 7,000 Depreciation 2,000 Year 4 Net book value 5,000 Depreciation 2,000 Year 5 Net book value 3,000 Depreciation 2,000 Net book value 1,000 The straight-line method is the simplest way among all the methods; it suitable for the use of asset is unvarying during the useful life; it is popular used by large corporation, such as Campbell Soup, Marriott Corporation and General Mills. However, the reducing balance method has a falling depreciation amount every year during the useful life of the asset. The changing depreciation is depended on the book value (cost less accumulated depreciation). It is calculated to multiply the book value at the beginning of the year and the reducing balance depreciation rate (Weygandt, Kieso and Kimmel, 2003). Example 2 An asset costs (book value at the beginning of year)  ¿Ã‚ ¡11,000, its expected salvage value is  ¿Ã‚ ¡1,000, its estimated useful life is 5 years. Reducing balance depreciation rate = 100%à ·5years=20%* Calculation o f  ¿Ã‚ ¡901.12( ¿Ã‚ ¡4505.6ÃÆ'-20%) is adjusted to  ¿Ã‚ ¡3505.6 in order to make the book value equal salvage value (Weygandt, Kieso and Kimmel, 2003). Sum of digits is another kind of reducing balance method, which has the closest connection with useful life and salvage value of the asset. The depreciation cost is multiply depreciation cost (asset cost less salvage value) by digits of each year (Mike, Ron and Allister, 1994). Example 3 An asset costs  ¿Ã‚ ¡11,000, its expected salvage value is  ¿Ã‚ ¡1,000, its estimated useful life is 5 years The digits add up is 1+2+3+4+5=15

Thursday, September 12, 2019

This a field note Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

This a field note - Essay Example I want to relay the commentators’ views verbatim, but I am at a loss. No matter how I probe my brain to remember how they said things, all I can remember were the feelings those words had on me. Still, in this narrative, I will try to relay the details by interpreting and paraphrasing what was retained in my memory (Emerson, Fretz, and Shaw 75). Additionally, in this account, I will also try as much as possible to refer to scenes as I have personally experienced and seen them, to provide the most detailed account of the event I want to narrate (Emerson, Fretz, and Shaw 83). In reference to the title I chose, I am not saying that people are asking for blood, but boxing, as we know it, sort of makes one expect that the more bloody the event is, the more exhilarating the winning is. This was what I felt during the hours of watching a spectacular boxing match a couple of months ago. I was at home cozily sitting on the plush brown sofa I chose to sit on for the event. On the mahoga ny center table, I placed a large bowl of yellow buttered popcorn that I just got out from the microwave. The flavorful scent that permeated the air made me smile as I placed a tall glass of iced tea beside the glass bowl. I was preparing myself to be as excited as the crowd because it is a very much talked about match. Curious to see what this titleholder has to offer, I began to immerse myself in the game. I was trying to listen to what the commentators were saying, and the crowd’s piercing screams caused me a frown or two occasionally. By the middle part of the match, my hands were already clammy with cold sweat. I did not realize I was so much taken by the events inside the ring. I clutched my white handkerchief, gripping it every time a good punch was given. My heartbeat was already above normal at that time, feeling like I took a 15-minute brisk walk. What really held my interest were the cuts and wounds on T’s face. I do not want to imagine how it feels like to have swollen flesh with nasty-looking cuts being hit with strong punches every few minutes or so. I could swear I see T’s grimace towards the latter part of the game. I even began to wonder whether they were really grimaces or his face was just badly swollen and disfigured. The camera zoomed across the audience at the end of every round. It focused on faces smiling, laughing, and anxious. The noise and screaming were overwhelming. Funny how the camera seems to quickly catch standout expressions like mouths wide open to scream their taunts and jeers. I noticed one teenage person in bright red shirt whose freckled face appeared to be more freckled as he seemed to shout his outrage. I particularly do not know what he is mad about, but his expression told me a lot. He kept nudging his other companions while waving and pointing his fingers towards the ring, making all verbal gestures that spoke of how agitated he was. On the other hand, some played it cool, casually smiling, and l aughing with their friends, or even strangers who happen to be near them. Observing the crowd made me feel like I was there with them; the only difference is the advantage of watching specific angles of the whole arena. The bell for the last two rounds rang and the crowd sounded more frenzied. Everyone

Joan of Arc (1929) visual analyses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Joan of Arc (1929) visual analyses - Essay Example I feel that Dreyer actually did a unique job to develop eloquent interpretations from visual objects to life situations and to other artworks. The use of photography and pictures Dreyer uses a portrait of Mile Falconetti to reveal the faith that guided the lady knight of France. The sadness portrayed in this picture seems very real and at some point, as tears roll down her cheeks, the eyes widen at hearing something from the old, cultured men who question her pitilessly. The interesting part revealed here is that, though it happened 500 years back, when anyone takes a seat in the Little Carnegie Theatre, looking at this extraordinary motion picture, he or she is torn between hate and pity. The face of Mile with her closely collected hair is at first persuasive but startling (Warner 56). Her brown skin, the staring eyes, her lips free from rouge but which look dry, all resemble the girl of the soil. However, as the picture continues, one realizes in the sensitive elements something re ally magnetic, specifically the irregular glance of hope. Her expression does not tighten a feature, and when she is steadfast in her faith, no movement of the jaws is portrayed, but regularly by her eyes. No signs of revenge or bitterness, but she is confident with the responses to her inquisitors. The photography used by Dreyer pulls ever jot of fury, disdain, and impatience from the soldiers and clerics. The whiplash pulls touching extreme to touching extreme to give the movie its raw authority, but it is positively wearing for the viewer. Personally, I felt drained after watching the movie, which means I was deeply invested in the emotional turmoil by Joan throughout the movie. The use of the camera Mile Falconetti is outstanding in the way she answers questions, and Dreyer darts at different places of the stage with his camera. Sometimes he reveals Jeanne in a turn of the room with the huge heads and tinier heads in the foreground. He brings out something that is happening and then flashes somewhere else to other heads. All this is achieved without fadeouts or dissolves in such an efficient way that whichever the angle from which the scenes are viewed, it is ever satisfactory and not in any way impressionistic or tricky. It is a fact that a curious feat, the way in which this movie is pictured, with its numerous close-ups, it is very thoroughly matched to this specific subject. Nevertheless, the weakness in the film can be seen here, noting that it is doubtful if this screen method would effectively suit any other story (Warner 72). The camera is frequently placed at exaggerated angles, and faces are often cropped so firmly as to forcefully defy a character’s individual space. Further, edits in between shots are mostly had no coherence. This means that the camera could go between the questioner and Joan without minding to care if it seems like they are really facing each other. Since the shots are framed so firmly on every frame, each movement wave s into great touching pay-offs. In this sense therefore, interties are almost useless when the camera bores into the soul of every character. I agree that the all-purpose lack of interties actually made the best part of the film and kept the pace from deteriorating. Costumes The Danish director in this film makes the most of long phrases of the costumes or garments of the priest in the foreground on a single side of the barrow’

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Content Analysis of the text Conflict using Boundry Crossing Essay

Content Analysis of the text Conflict using Boundry Crossing Techniques - Essay Example Eventually conflict is a product of miscommunication or misunderstanding. During discourses, conflict arises whenever parties or people tend to insist their own ideas that do not fit to the others. The result is for the others to respond negatively to particular claims, hence bringing them into a complex conflict situation. It is a chaotic incidence when during conflict situation all those who are involved in the conflict situation shout to each other insisting their needs, ideas or belief. How language is being conceptualized in during these heated conversations? Most of the conflicts that happened are caused by the gravity of words being thrown by a particular person or group against the other. Words are powerful element that can make someone’s temper rise to the extent of conflicts that can not be resolved. Even in marital conflicts, mostly it is the words from both parties that make relationships wrecked. A woman could be nagging to man. In response, man will shout to the woman blaming her for a lot of things. The woman will also blame the man for all of his short comings. Out of that situation, language is conceptualized. Conflict started because of assigning blame to each other manifested in harsh words (Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen, 1999). It is driven by emotions, and such things make conflict worse. However, conflict could be made lighter, once husband and wife talk about the problems, wherein conflict is managed and resolved (Robinson, J., 1997). Conflict could be measured on varying levels. This is to give us an idea how it can be measured and the corresponding effects. The more people is involved in the conflict, the more people is affected, then the higher the level it is. Forms of conflict may be interpersonal, group, and organizational conflict (Dewine, S., Gibson, Melissa, K., and Smith, Matthew J., 1999). The effect of conflict would be

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Listening to a radio program relevant to some of our class readings Essay

Listening to a radio program relevant to some of our class readings and discussions and providing a corresponding write-up of the program - Essay Example The more education one has, the more money he/she is likely to earn. Families comprising of two uneducated couples are likely to suffer poverty and at the end bring up poor children who have less opportunities for education and work (Carbone 22). Women in America have been provided with the opportunity to pursue careers outside the home. Educated women in this perspective earn a better pay. While this actually reduces the difference, changes incurred in men’s earning depending on their education are the major causes of the rising income inequality. There is the issue of moral decline. In this case, women have abandoned their culture which directs them to their responsibilities as house wives. In the contemporary society, both men and women are competing for various opportunities. In some cases, women are found to secure higher opportunities than their male spouses. This develops a feeling of independence within the woman and thus leading to the family breakup. This program analyses the grand dynamics that lead to the accumulation and the distribution of capital among families within the U.S. Inequality and the concentration of wealth as well as the prospects for economic growth are key values that lie in the hearts of the political economy. According to Piketty, the modern growth in economy and the diffusion of knowledge has diminished inequalities. However, extreme inequalities are feared to arise as a result of the tendency of returns on capital to exceed the economic growth rate in the contemporary society (Piketty 25). The most striking issue on this regards the remarkable break witnessed in the years between 1914 and 1945. Considering this period, there developed an impression that capitalism was becoming more democratic. The inherited wealth was no longer the matter behind an individual’s ability and position in the hierarchy of social-economic. Other provoking point discuses such circumstances like the two world wars, the debt fueled

Monday, September 9, 2019

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Essay

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management - Essay Example On the other hand, the intuition for the growth stocks that the stocks have higher prices in the market compared to their book value creates the definition. These findings were made when the two scholars Fama and French tested the leverages, book market ratios and price earnings ratios among others in an effort to examine the Capital Asset Pricing Module. 2. Factors explaining stock returns. The Capital Asset Pricing Model is a method published in 1992 and that has been popular in portfolio management. Analysis has brought it to question since the model does not satisfy the questions of stock management entirely (Yue et al 2006). The limitations of CAPM lie in the assumption that investors need measure only a single risk that will determine the sensitivity of market returns. The model required to be efficient is therefore supposed to address a number of factors that pose as a risk to security management (Fama and French). The measures should address sensitivity of the market returns by distinguishing small stock risks over risks posed by larger stocks. The new measures implemented by Fama and French have proved to be efficient in large stocks but have not been measured on the small stocks yet from lack of access to the data on security. The research by Fama and French is applicable in the international market as well as the local portfolios in the United States (Carson et al 1999). A market risk factor and a value risk factor provided are means to explain average returns in the stocks internationally (Cohen 1967). Measured by Fama and French, the returns on an international portfolio market of stocks provide the measure of the market risk factor while the difference in the returns on the high book to market and low book to market measures the value risk factor (Case 2011). The CAPM limitations lay in the assumptions that every investor is rational in his expectations , there is a normal distribution of returns, the production and financial sectors are separated , quantity of assets is fixed, the capital market is of perfect efficiency and the risk free rates of borrowing and lending are equal (Bossaerts 2002). These assumptions among others greatly counter the realities of the markets and security and provide erroneous conclusions that create the impression that the state of the portfolios is of high standard when it is not (Fischer 1979). According to French and Fama the idea of Capital Asset Pricing Model creates a system that oversimplifies the entire process of security analysis while leaving out vital steps that create large assumptions in the long run. For example, the distribution of returns argues that all investors see the same opportunities; the model assumes the risks created by other factors on the investor while making his decisions to invest therefore ends up overlooking those risks (Case 2011). The argument of the CAPM lacks any link to the situation of real life events and practicality. The major assumptions made overlook t he important aspects of the markets rather than create a weighted concern for it and the details of stocks. Since theories and models are not necessarily perfect, the overlooked matters should address the less sensitive situations that would cause much less damage or none on the investors in the end and not the other

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Quantitative Methodology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quantitative Methodology - Assignment Example The researchers applied the social compensation hypothesis to argue that the lonely and society anxious children often turn to online communication in the quest to find new friends as well as be in touch with their families (Bonetti, Campbell & Gilmore, 2010). The hypothesis also explained that online forms of communication are an avenue for forming and maintaining relationships. Data was collected quantitatively using a survey and questionnaires where the participants included the amount of time they spend online and the topics they discuss (Bonetti, Campbell & Gilmore, 2010). Convenience sampling was used to get the best students from the selected 626 students so as to get the best students that would give the correct information on the use of the internet. The independent variable was the loneliness and social anxiety among children and adolescents while the dependent was online communications as a form of maintaining relationships with families, friends, and even foreigners (Bonetti, Campbell & Gilmore, 2010). Data was gathered via the use of survey where the participants were subjected to a summarized version of the UCLA Loneliness Scale as well as an shortened gauge of the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) (Bonetti, Campbell & Gilmore, 2010).   Students also filled questionnaires in their free time. Chi-square analysis was applied to assess the statistical inconsistencies between the loneliness and social anxiety and regularity of the use of the internet for communication purposes (Bonetti, Campbell & Gilmore, 2010).  ANOVA was also used to estimate the variances between the time used in online communication by the children with self-reported solitude and social apprehension and the students without (Bonetti, Campbell & Gilmore, 2010). The ethical guideline of obtaining consent before conducting research

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The mirror has two faces Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The mirror has two faces - Movie Review Example The Mirror Has Two Faces is about different views people hold about love,sex,relationships and marriage.The title represents how different insights are seen on the same topicwith the â€Å"mirror† being the topic of love and relationships and the â€Å"two faces† being the different views held by the characters of the movie,mainly Rose and Gregory. A mirror is supposed to be a reflection of the person standing in front of it, and the title of the movie mentions that it has two faces, most probably the person and its reflection, but these faces are not necessarily one and the same person thinking the same thoughts. Hence, the title makes one curious as to what it truly means. The characters’ ideas about sex, love, and marriage: The characters of the movie hold various perspectives on sex, love and marriage. Alex holds romantic views and showers Claire with affection to the point that it suffocates her. To him, he is like a romantic hero. Claire is so bent on using her beauty to attract men but when she gets them, she easily gets tired of them and is searching for another pursuit to keep her excited and interested. Hannah is kind of self-obsessed that to her, love should center on her own happiness and should boost her self-esteem. Henry is more down to earth and is a sounding board to Gregory’s ideas on love and sex and has a more grounded belief that a balance should be struck in order for a relationship to work, although he himself dates younger women not for their intelligence but mostly for their physical appeal. The central characters of Rose and Gregory provide the conflict in the story. For Rose, a romantic relationship should be fueled by passion and romance to support the deep love that the couple has for each other. They should know each other very well, including seemingly insignificant details and should be able to respond to each other’s needs even if help is not solicited. Gregory, on the other hand, burned severa l times from his previous romantic relationships, believe that sex complicates matters. He believes that relationships based on romantic love and physical attraction are worthless because it creates illusions that eventually end up disappointing people because they cannot keep up to the expectations of each other. Where the chief characters are on their relationship journey. The Whiteheads describe marriage both as an institution and as a journey. In the movie, marriage as an institution was not clearly agreed upon by the characters and was not depicted in such a way that it is a solid, immovable establishment. Instead, it would be more appropriate to describe the main characters’ marriage as a journey of friendship gone backwards. Theirs was founded on a deep friendship without the physical affection most man-woman relationships share even before marriage. Gregory claims that they are lucky to have reached their level of relationship to have skipped sexual tension and have g one straight to a meeting of minds and hearts. On the other hand, Rose thought differently. For her, the journey was just beginning and sexual intimacy is a necessary part of the journey towards the marital union, in the truest sense of the word. After they have cleared things with each other of what to expect from their marriage and are now looking at the same road and destination, they anticipate a smoother journey together with all the necessary ingredients to make their marriage stronger. The styles of communication & conflict used by the couples. It has always been known that communication is a key to successful relationships. In the movie, there were various communication styles that reflected the views of the characters. There were scenes wherein Gregory would voice out his passionate beliefs in his theories about a sexless relationship because it does not complicate matters and elevates the relationship to a higher level of respect, trust, admiration. Rose cannot put one wor d in. Because Rose was in love with Gregory, she tried to accept his beliefs, shunning aside her